Cornerstone Community Church
Many Lives, One Path
Cornerstone is alive & kicking and meeting virtually at this time. We've embraced the change and love it. Join us each Sunday at 9:30 AM. Click the link on the Homepage to receive an invitation.
Since 1996, Cornerstone has served the people of Ocean City, N.J. and the surrounding areas of the southern New Jersey seashore. We're a non-denominational, Bible-based Christian charitable organization. We take Jesus at his word, when he said:
Give to the one who begs from you, and do not refuse the one who would borrow from you.
We've spent a lot of years studying the legacy that Jesus and his disciples left behind. And, frankly – there's a lot in there that is open to interpretation and we don't fret when it leaves us questioning or confused.
But one thing, we're certain of. It's loud-and-clear clarion call, a common thread that weaves its way through every book of the bible, Genesis to Revelation. Take care of your brother. Share what you can. Don't let your neighbor freeze out in the cold.
It's all there, clear as day. From Mosaic Law in the Hebrew bible to the first leaders of Christianity, writing after Jesus' death. If you see one in need, do what you can.
So we do what we can. We pay rents. We pay traffic fines. We fund transportation. We furnish the homes of newlywed couples, getting on their feet. We pay doctor bills. We lend money. (Sometimes we even get paid back.) We put people to work. We've even -on occasion- bailed folks out of jail. That's how we spread the good news of gospel, the love of Jesus as we understand it. It's what we do – the ministry we've been called to.
We don't have a big church. (We used to rent space in a small one.) We don't have a centuries-old endowment. We don't have a million-viewer TV show. Nothing wrong with any of those things. But that's not us.
(We do have a really cool second-hand shop: Second Chance Boutique. Check it out, if you haven't already.)
The way we look at it – paying mortgage and heat and electric and upkeep on a big church is just not a priority. And even though sometimes we wonder how we're going to pay our own rent – we'd rather spend the money we raise on our friends and neighbors.
You may share our beliefs. You may not. Or you may fall somewhere in between. That's OK. But we're willing to bet there's one thing we would agree on if we sat down for a chat and a cup of coffee. There are a lot of broken people in need, all around the world. We can't help them all. But we can do what we can to help those that cross our path.
See you soon.